Strawberry Cheesecake Cannolis

I have mentioned before but when it comes to traditional cannolis, I am just not the biggest fan. Sweetened ricotta just isn't my thing. My last name is Baldassari so I realize this is a big no-no but I make mine with either cream cheese or mascarpone cheese and I just love them. Makes it seem more like a cheesecake stuffed cannoli and I am all for anything cheesecake style. If you wanted to stay with ricotta you could, just use more strawberries and a little vanilla and about 2 to 3 tbsp of sugar. 

I somewhat cheat on these as I buy my shells already made from the bakery next door but look, I know what my strengths are and making cannoli shells ain't it;) However, if you want to make this recipe from scratch, here is a fabulous recipe for cannoli shells and then you would just dip them in dark chocolate and let rest for about an hour or so. Cannoli Shells 

Now we will take this recipe from completed cannoli shells.

Strawberry Cheesecake Cannolis
12 large Cannoli shells or 24 mini shells
8 oz strawberry cream cheese
1/4 lb chopped strawberries
1/4 cup heavy whipping cream

In a large bowl, whip the cream cheese until smooth, add in the strawberries and whip on low, just until combined. Add in the whipping cream and whip on medium speed for about 2 minutes. Place in ziplock bag or piping bag. Fill each cannoli, making sure to fill from both sides. 

You can enoy them now but I believe they taste much better after about an hour in the fridge. 
7 comments on "Strawberry Cheesecake Cannolis"
  1. Mmm, love cheesecake and this looks and sounds delicious!

  2. I am so going to make these they look so yummy 😋

  3. Very helpful suggestions that help in the optimizing website.
    thank for sharing the link.

  4. Love the idea of making cannoli out of this strawberry cheese cake.I am going to get my my hands on these Strawberry Cheesecake Cannolis anytime soon because craving for it so badly.

  5. Strawberry cheesecake is a classic dessert loved by many. For a chilling twist, believe Horror ghostwriters to create a suspenseful story or recipe that will leave a lasting impression on your guests.

  6. Strawberry Cheesecake Cannolis combine the crispy texture of cannolis with the creamy richness of cheesecake, making them a lovely twist on a traditional treat. This unusual confection is a flavor explosion in every mouthful, making it ideal for anybody with a sweet craving. It's interesting to note that this creative dish would appeal to successful people who didn't go to college, demonstrating that enthusiasm and inventiveness can produce amazing culinary masterpieces.


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