The older you get...the quicker time flies on by. I cannot believe that it is December already. How did that even happen?!
2013. This is a year that I had envisioned in my mind some time ago, wondering how it would look. It was, after all, the ten year anniversary of getting hitched. Had you asked me ten years ago what my life would look like, it would be resoundingly different than my reality is.
Since we have not been blessed with the kiddies yet, we have chosen to travel and soak up as many minutes together, exploring, as we possibly can. I say this almost as a warning, because the pictures I am about to throw in your directions are going to involve copious amounts of our traipsing here, there and everywhere.
SO without further adieu, our year in review(yes, I just did that little rhymity rhyme;)
First up I wanted to share two pictures that meant the most to me this year. They are both, at first glance anyways, simple and appear to have no attached meaning, but the reasoning behind them is everything that life should be.
This rose. So simple, yet I love it. I am not big on roses. My favorite flowers are hydrangeas and gerber daises. But, I had been at the beach with a friend for the week and on Friday, June 28th, Tony came to pick me up and head on our anniversary trip. Ten years behind us. And when he showed up on the beach, he was just carrying this rose. and he handed it to me and jokingly asked "would I accept this rose" and it was so ridiculous, it was hilarious. and the fact that he had stopped to get gas and just happened upon a bucket of stems at the checkout and thought it would be funny. It worked. And I love this picture. Gas Station rose for the win;)
This second picture just represents what completion looks like. If you have followed my blog at all then you may have a small idea of my journey to grab hold of my mental illness. Two years ago I was on the verge of death. Ten days at Duke and 24 months of vigorous and often heartbreaking treatment for PTSD and I graduated. Over 1450 people started the program since I did, Only 57 have not dropped out. To call it mentally grueling would be an understatement. It was the hardest and most rewarding experience of my life. and as I finished my last session. I was outside waiting to meet my husband and when I looked up, there was this sign on the wall. and the tears flowed freely. For I could do just that. 2013 turned out to be the best year of my life, for I was able to grasp the one thing that had always evaded me:HOPE!

January started out perfect! My parents, both of my besties! Then we headed to Boston to meet my brand new niece! My first one! We stayed at my favorite green house in Boston(aka, my in laws;) my brother had his first gig. Duke basketball was in full force and then I headed to Tampa to visit the bestie and we went to see Luke Bryan shake it for us!
February we got some snow. and yes, that small amount shut us down for days;) My mom, SIL and I headed to the Yadkin Valley wine trail for a girls weekend, we stayed in Old Salem and got to take in one of the oldest Moravian villages. My sis in law was sweet enough to get me this DD shirt. Because, well...I love me some Dunkin! I started the IPP for the blog and met so many sweet woman! and then we headed for our annual trip to Florida!
March began in the warmth of Key Biscayne and my favorite beach view. Then a few days in Saint Augustine before checking out the sweet village of Saint Mary's, Georgia. Then, for St. Patrick's day, I went to NYC for a few days with my mom and aunt. I was able to use my Christmas present Tony got me: Classes to the Institute of Culinary Education of NYC! It was an amazing experience!
In April we went to visit friends in DC and Alexandria. We went to the zoo and Tony's favorite, The Building museum. This is what you get when you marry and architectural engineer;) haha and the newseum was my favorite. I am used to a majority of places in DC being free, but I can guarantee you that this place was more than worth the entrance fee to get in! and my nephew won the state tourney in baseball!
May was a fun month, I stopped to take in the view of the lake near my house. We went to Charlotte for the race over Memorial day Weekend. My bestie sent us a keiurg for our annv present. I got to get all gussied up for my husband's award dinner. I got to experience afternoon tea in downtown Wake Forest. I found a new love in Washi tape. obsessed much. We went up to Virginia for my nephew's vintage baseball themed birthday party. Brianne sent me this amazing wreath! My parent's garden was out of control amazing. and we headed up to Boston for Mother's Day and I got some baby love in!

June began by going to Williamsburg and Yorktown with my parents to celebrate the mister's bday. We went on a sail down the york river. We stopped by Aromas for my favorite treat: wine smoothies! We got the news that I was getting a new niece in December! Wake Forest had a vintage car show that we were able to check out. I went to see NKOTB for the third year in a row! My cousin welcomed baby Jake to the family! and we headed to Virginia to have our ten year anniversary party with our friends and family! then to the beach it was!
July saw us on our trip to St. Simon's and Jekyll Island. If you have never been, I cannot recommend them enough. So peaceful and the beaches are beautiful! I especially love the historic village in JI. and the Spanish Moss in SS. I could have walked the streets for days.
The rest of July was also pretty busy, got to spend some time with Jake, headed to Little Washington to see my aunt's horses compete. The sunset over the harbor was gorgeous that night. I stayed with my cousin and a late night trip to the potty ended with my sanity saying "bye bye" when I saw this snake in the sink. only after I almost passed out did I notice it was a toy. The mister and I took a weekend trip to the Badin Inn on the lake, and enjoyed each other's company before the insanity that was August.
August started with a trip to one of my favorite places, Richmond. We went for my mom's 60th birthday. With Virginia having over 200 vineyards, wine was our friend;) We had some cocktails at the historic Jefferson Hotel and then headed home to Rustburg to have a party!
We then headed on a trip up to NH, RI, MA & time and I mean, how HOT does my mister look reading this story to our niece?! Rawr;) There are very few things I enjoy more than New England in the summer! Covered bridges galore. Fresh seafood, yes! and then I had the pleasure of turning our on line friendship into the real deal and had lunch with Kerry!
The rest of August was spent enjoying all the Triangle has to offer. Fresh chocolates in Hillsborough. Wine in North Raleigh. The food truck rodeo! Catching an outdoor movie at the Art Museum and then walking the grounds. And, our tree we adopted from Italy! it was officially ours! Now, to just go visit it in person;)
September started just as August did, with a trip to Richmond! This time with my brother and his wife. Then we headed back up to Boston for our niece's christening and while we were there my husband's uncle passed away suddenly and we ended up staying for the whole week. I cam home in time to catch Jason Aldean and Jake Owen with the bestie while the mister was living it up in NYC. The next week he scored some free tickets through work to see Rascal Flats and the Band Perry. Then the last week, we had a baby shower for my friend expecting twins. I so adored this cake!

October is my favorite month! Basketball season is back at Duke! We spent a weekend in the mountains. We caught a Hurricanes game! I discovered that they make A1 in packets and my life was complete! My bestie came to visit and we went to the international festival and Tony took a selfie of himself as a moose... There was the 25th annual walk for hope to raise money for mental health awareness! Since I love me some bacon, the couple I nanny for gave me a bacon cooker for the microwave. and we ended the month with candy for trick or treating and we enjoyed wine while watching Hocus Pocus!

November is my birthday month! Woo hoo! Brianne got me this awesome makin bacon mug (and Kerry made me this AHmazing knit hat) I got a bourbon apple candle! We headed to Virginia for the bbq and brew fest and then I went with the bestie and another friend to Universal for her 30th bday! Harry Potter world and Transformers for the win! Then I cried happy tears as I witnessed Duke beat Miami! We headed back up to Virginia to throw my sis in law a shower and then for Turkey Day! We had the pleasure to stay at my aunt's cabin and help them decorate the tree! Before heading up to the Virginia mountains to take in the Shenandoah with my parents. I do love my home state!

December is almost halfway over! it started with going to see the Grinch at the DPAC, then I hosted a cookie exchange. I got to take in this enormous(almost 18 ft) tree while I nannied. I discovered that they now have strawberry dippers. oh my gosh! I love my garden flag! The mister and I had some Vietnamese tea before we watched Duke play FSU in the championship game and of course, a few more candles to add to my collection. Tomorrow we head back to Boston to finish out 2013!
This has been my year! We stay busy and I, for the most part anyway, enjoy it. Although I do often time just long for my own bed and a glass of wine while I enjoy a good book. I cannot wait to see what 2014 brings. Good, the bad or the ugly, life happens and you can never really plan for it accordingly!
Linking up with Stephanie & Jen