my best friends

in the world  my kitchen are these simple little goodies:

Some of you think I'm can a woman with an innate abhorrence of coffee fiend for these babies? Easily. I promise. and nope, I never rarely use them in conjunction with coffee.
I do, however, use them in fun recipes that involve pudding...that's right, never have plain vanilla pudding again. Want Irish cream pudding, voila. simple. I make puddings and mix it w/cream cheese and/or cool whip to make a frosting.

I also use it to change up the flavor combinations when I whip up a version of this; french toast casserole. The pumpkin spice creamer is amazing with brown sugar and butterscotch chips in the Fall...and ummmm. Caramel creamer w/shredded apples. The possibilities are endless.

Just think outside the normal realm and you can prepare just about anything!

and my phone went to the dark place, it was a piece of absolute *$@# well overdue.  and b/c of such, my pictures are in purgatory  Really, really hoping that when I get my new one they can transfer! Fingers crossed. Cross your fingers too, I mean, I have super fabulous pictures and recipes to share.

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