sausage throw in...

Yeah, you like that title? Well...someone asked me what this was and my mind blanked and I finally said it was sausage and what else I had to throw in, so there you go. Uber fancy, huh? I know. haha  However, this is super simple and pretty healthy. And this can easily be adapted to fit your needs/taste.

1 lb turkey sausage(brat style)
1 pkge cherry tomatoes
1/2 lb okra(fresh or frozen)
1 packet ranch seasoning
1/3 cup chicken stock
1/4 cup beer

slice the sausage into small pieces and brown in a skillet, add the tomatoes and okra. Sprinkle the ranch season over the ingredients(I only used about 1/2 the packet) then add chicken stock and beer. Stir to dissolve the ranch seasoning and turn heat to simmer and cover for about 15 minutes.

***Notes, obviously you can use just your preferred liquid. You can just use chicken stock and omit the beer or vice versa, or you could always simply just use water. And I feel that this is a "preference" recipe and what I mean by this is some of you may like this much liquid, some may want more...Try and eye ball it as your pouring to see where you may be with it. and obviously you could use any meat (or even tofu) that you have on hand, and I think that next time I may add sliced onions. the second time I made this I didn't use the ranch, I just used a smorgasbord of spices we had on hand.

I would love to tell you how delightful I found this to be, but I didn't eat any. I am allergic to sausage(I know, gasp) and this was a quick "Wiki friendly"(ie:sans carbs) meal. He really enjoyed it, hope you do too!
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