Whimsy Travel: Sedona and The Red Rocks

I wish I had the words to adequately describe just how much I loved Sedona, but I am not sure I possess them. This tranquil and gorgeous place stole my heart in the shortest of visits. Our trip to Sedona lasted a mere two hours but that was more than enough time to solidify a meaningful place in my heart.

We stopped by Sedona on our way to Vegas after having a quick visit with our friends in Scottsdale. I was not able to give this majestic spot the time it was so deserving of, but what precious few moments I did have here, it garnered my full attention.

I should have known what I was in for when about an hour out of Sedona, this was the view that awaited me from the rest stop! Definite winner for rest area views that I have stumbled upon this far in my life!

4 comments on "Whimsy Travel: Sedona and The Red Rocks"
  1. Omg! I just wrote about my red rock experience a few posts ago! I've never been to Sedona but I have a feeling it's lovely!

    I hope you guys had a wonderful trip!


  2. I have been to Scottsdale but not Sedona, the pictures look beautiful. Is it weird I want to tell the bear to put a shirt on?!

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