Kisses From Katie

I know I have been slightly MIA lately and I apologize, we've been travelling fools lately...shocking I know. Haha I have been documenting them all and hope to put together some travel posts soon. Mayberry(yep, real place people) or actually "Mt. Airy" but where it was based on and the stuff is everywhere, the museum and I got to sit in Floyd's barber chair. Plus we visited six vineyards on our trip, then we went to Boston and New Hampshire and most recently to Seattle. Fun times.

But rest assured I have still been making tasty treats and will hopefully post them soon. But I wanted to take a second to plug a book I recently read that pulled at my heart strings. "Kisses From Katie" the book follows a teenage girl who found her heart being beckoned by the Lord to travel to Uganda to bring hope, love and compassion to the people. She ended up adopting 13 girls along the way. I laughed and cried the whole way through this amazing story.

You can follow her adventures here kisses from katie, the blessings that will be bestowed upon you from her daunting courage and self effacing demeanor is mind blowing. I promise you won't regret it.

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