More Than A Neighbor

I am floundering here while trying to come up with the right words. My emotions are everywhere and my heart is in mourning, the best neighbor a girl could have is moving to her new life(how is there even life without me on a daily basis?) haha Anyways, I told Theresa in many words and in private what she has meant to me, but in my life I have found out(often times when it't too late) that life is short and if someone means something to you, SAY IT! Tell them your nice thoughts, we are often quick to verbalize our annoyances so tonight let me shout about something good! This will be long and I will be a sap sweet, so prepare or stop reading now;)
my sweet lil Einstein

It was a little over six years ago when Wiki and I moved into our first home, full of wonder and giddy anticipation over what that would mean for us. While I love Wake Forest, I discovered that my friends were no longer readily accessible and seeing as how we had exactly ONE PERSON living in our entire neighborhood for one year, my imagined visions of a "neighborhood nirvana" full of built in friendships and get togethers remained out of my grasp. And then, one day, just like that, we had neighbors. At first I pondered how our relationship would move past the friendly, "surface" stage as we are, at first impressions anyways, exponentially different. But I digress...
T & I at the Rum Bar in Jupiter

My life has forever been altered for the better by you, Theresa Iacobucci(iaccaabootychi;) Swanson, I adore you, my sweet friend. Thank you for introducing me to Hunger Games before all the "cool kids" caught on, for being my recipe tester, for the constant borrowing of one another's items, for all the impromptu visits to Target, for Palsies popcorn(even if you always got that nasty dill pickle flavor. ech), for Tuesday nite dinners-3 years worth! For Ringer watching nights, how dare the CW cancel it?! For trips to Florida and making your mom and the rest of your amazing family a part of my circle, for having 'road rage' and FINALLY proving you're actually not perfect, as I had wondered. For letting me do your hair and make up but drawing the line at heels, even if we did get you in "mini" ones. For Harry Potter World and for letting me read Divergent before you ever had the chance. For my sweet, sweet Chloe, that precious girl has made many a dreary night reek of sunshine. Her "uncle Maddie" will miss her so, I loved hearing her intermittently call me that! For letting me love little Hailey, even if only these few short months. Put my picture in her crib, this should help to secure my place as a favorite;)

But for so much more...for being m confidant, for knowing every flaw I have and still being my friend. For the times I texted you that I needed prayer and not even seconds later hearing a rap on my door. For bringing Jesus to me when He often times felt so far out of my reach. You were always real. Thank you for knowing how desperately my heart has ached for a baby for 8 years, through our heartbreak and tears and reassuring me it sucks, bc it darn well does. For never being uncomfortable being preggers around me bc while you understand how my heart has yearned, you get that I can simultaneously be happy for you and sad for myself.

You are a fabulous friend, T and I can only hope I was half as good. I was never lucky to have you as my neighbor...I was beyond blessed(as was Tony w/Sean) I will miss you so much and I will even miss Da beast, AKA Dobby the Devil Dog. Ok this is all the sap I have in me. 

Good Luck my sweets! new neighbor better not suck, that's all on you. haha
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