Red Velvet Eggnog Martini and a Partayyy

Yes, Some of you are skeptical right now, I promise...It was delish. I did make it two separate ways, I will give you my favorite version first and then my friend's second. hey, this is my blog;)

as I have said before, my ideas often come from the most random and inane places. This came from a picture my friend snapped for instagram. It was of a carton of red velvet chocolate milk and she captioned it.
"ummmm, interesting?" and my first thought was "I must make a martini or a mudslide from that"
wait...maybe I should say that was like my 22nd thought or something. I will sound less lushy. I am not a lush, I assure you. And I will still stand by that sentiment this week even after I post 4 festive cocktails. haha  See notes for where to find the red velvet milk and the eggnog I used.

1/3 cup red velvet milk
1/3 cup eggnog
2 oz vodka
2 oz baileys

pour over ice and shake till frothy(about 10 shakes or 30 seconds) strain and pour into sugar rimmed glass.

Second version
1/3 cup eggnog
1/3 cup red velvet milk
2 oz whipped vodka
1 oz baileys

same directions as above. this was just wayyyyyy too sweet for me, but my friend loved this one. If this was made as a frozen version, w/vanilla ice cream, I may have preferred this version...but drinking straight, I needed the unflavored vodka to cut through the sweet.

***Notes, The red velvet milk is at Target. or you could get chocolate milk and add red food coloring, basically the same thing;) I used Evan Williams eggnog. It is extremely strong. To quote keith jackson..."woah, Nelly" but good nonetheless. If you didn't have bailey's, you good use godiva, or even creme de cocoa. Play around and find your own version..

and if I'm gonna show the pretty picture I captured, I should keep this real and show what happened approximately 10.5 seconds after I took that one. If you follow my instagram you already know;)

You do not even want to know the stream of words that came pouring forth from my mouth I said. The worst was the rug, It is my husbands great grandmothers from Damascus(yes, that Damascus, they're from there). I almost cried. All I know is the magic eraser is the greatest invention ever and hot water and soap worked wonders on the rug. Whew! I live to tell another day;)

I had a pretty good weekend, on Saturday I got my hair all did. and then the hubs and I stayed in and did nothing. Can I get a Yay for a night of nothing...rarely happens, so I am loving them!

looking all mahvelous;)

the end result, lovin' it.

Sunday was busy bee day. That night I had a bunch of girlfriends over for fun and food. lots and lots of it. Yikes! and then we watched my favorite movie, The Holiday. Some of them had never seen it. Say whaaattt?! I remedied that;)

and now it's back to the grind. That was my weekend, hope you had a fantastic one!

and just my thoughts form last Friday.

I have mainly been m.i.a. from the blog world the last few days. Like everyone, else my heart has been broken by Friday's tragedy  I had to stop watching the news. It was almost like some of the stations were feeding off the story. They showed one parent falling to the ground, in immeasurable grief and I felt as if I had just invaded the most intimate part of their life and that was enough for me, no more watching it. I think they should band together and choose to not give these people monsters any air time, don't print their name or show their faces. That's what they crave. but I know that will never happen. I am just so glad I have belief in a Redeemer...Those sweet babies, they're in His arms now and tomorrow I will participate in the blogger day of silence. See everybody Wednesday.
6 comments on "Red Velvet Eggnog Martini and a Partayyy"
  1. I cannot believe that spilled! SO sad! Glad you saved the carpet though. And it sounds delicious. I agree, probably too sweet with the flavored vodka, but I'd try it.
    Your hair looks great!

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