Pinterest Project: Wine Bottle Vases

oh Pinterest. The things you do to me. Seriously, how did I live before I discovered it? Although I may be the only woman who pins addictively while watching my morning episode of Sportscenter. Every.Morning. It never fails, I will be home watching tv with Wiki and simultaneously playing on my phone and I get the same question over and over "What are you playing?" And almost always my reply is "I'm in the process of pinning our entire future endeavors" He always asks, but don't they all? It's as if they don't even know us. However, it is getting to the point that I have him addicted too. We will be somewhere and he will spot something and quip "Honey, this is Pinterest worthy." Yay! Wiki is learning!

Anyways, I am not sure about you but my relationship with pinterest is a love/hate one. As in I love me some pinterest and hate my inadequacies that it throws all up in my face. Which it happily points out to me on a recurring basis. It's like that mean girl, constantly showing you they dress better than you, decorate better than you, and are DIY masters...yet you can't get enough. This is me and pinterest. I am the antithesis of crafty. but then I saw a few crafts made for pre schoolers and I decided to try my hand at them. ok, not really, but don't judge me if one day I do and act all proud of myself.

Tony and I may drink a little lottle(ok a whole lottle) wine, all the time. We have done Napa, Sonoma, the Chiles Valley, Texas Hill Country Wine Trail, Virginia Wine Trail and the Yadkin Valley in Carolina. Obviously we hate vino;) and with our empty bottles I became so pinspired.

Take empty/dry wine bottles & paint two to three coats in the color of your choice, I used a craft paint from Michael's that I purchased for $1.79. Let dry and then paint from top to 1/2 inch before bottom and sprinkle liberally w/glitter. Let dry and voila, a fancy vase. I decided to use fall colors, Michael's had a 12 pack of glitter on sale and then I had a coupon. I used a burnt orange and then used champagne, copper and gold glitters. 

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